
Achieving Excellent Digestion with Ayurveda: Your Routine Is Key

 STEPS YOU CAN TAKE RIGHT NOW TO IMPROVE DIGESTION Improving digestion can be very simple.  With the tweak of a few minor lifestyle practices, you can be on your way to better digestion immediately! In Ayurveda, digestion is the key to optimal health.  All health starts in the digestive tract.  All disease [...]

Achieving Excellent Digestion with Ayurveda: Your Routine Is Key2019-04-03T20:32:32+00:00

The 6 Tastes/Rasas of Ayurveda: Pungent Taste

Ariella's favorite new request at the dinner table…sriracha.  This girl is spicy and she LOVES spicy food.  Pungent taste is what we recognize as spicy or food with a kick. Of course, there are degrees and variances in pungency. Pungent taste is stimulating.  It increases circulation and is warming.  It thins [...]

The 6 Tastes/Rasas of Ayurveda: Pungent Taste2019-03-07T19:49:52+00:00

The 6 tastes/Rasas of Ayurveda: Salty Taste

My husband has a salt phobia. Like sugar...society has a phobia of salt because restaurant and processed foods are SO overly salted and the salt used is cheap, unhealthy table salt. That said, mineral the other 5 tastes/rasas has its place in our diet (in moderation). SALTY taste stimulates secretions. It is a [...]

The 6 tastes/Rasas of Ayurveda: Salty Taste2019-03-07T19:55:32+00:00

The 6 Tastes/Rasas of Ayurveda: Sweet Taste

I feel like the word sweet has been demonized beyond measure. All the processed foods and sweets around us have equated the word sweet with obesity, diabetes, and almost every other health ailment possible. People are afraid of fruit. No one wants to eats carbs. But the sweet taste is very important in our [...]

The 6 Tastes/Rasas of Ayurveda: Sweet Taste2019-03-04T20:53:16+00:00

The 6 Tastes of Ayurveda

Every food we consume has multiple tastes and qualities which encompass medicinal value.  Our taste buds are trained to recognize whether or not we enjoy the flavor of a food when it enters our mouth.  Western food philosophy has taught us to count calories and look at the fat, carbohydrate and protein content [...]

The 6 Tastes of Ayurveda2019-03-07T19:48:47+00:00

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Vestibulum nec velit ante. Praesent dignissim interdum est, in lacinia elit pretium nec. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce laoreet mi leo. Vestibulum nec velit ante. Praesent dignissim interdum est, in lacinia elit pretium nec. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce laoreet mi leo.